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A good source for learning English

发表于 2015-2-25 17:06:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Back to HZ for some time now, having no access to my usual English learning sources such as
YouTube, CNN video news, BBC video news; this latter source is available but limited and sluggish.
I rarely switch on the TV in my hotel room; even if I did, I zapped through all channels, no English program is readily available.
So I must find different ways to practice my English.

One quick search in Youku shows some learning sources. I'm delighted with a series of [老外教你说英语],
by the self-titled MisterDuncun in England.
Currently I'm watching the 16th episode, and hope I'll have time to go through all episodes.
[html] http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjYwMDMxNjAw.html [/html]

上一篇:“好久不见” 用英语还能怎么说?
下一篇:原创;Are you happy with current public holiday arrangement?
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